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  • Writer's pictureGuadalupe Pamatz-Mejia

Final Reflection.

Sadly, this class has come to an end and all I can say is that I do not regret joining this class one bit and if you haven't already, I recommend you to take this class. At the beginning of High school this class was an option for everyone to take but I was doubting wither or not to join because I thought it was going to be a stressful and boring class but I was wrong. This class was great and I enjoyed every assignment, especially because I took it with my sister and we always had our little competitions on who would take the best pictures and would get a better grade. In this class my favorite assignments were claymation video and the 10 Photos. Trust me, the assignments are not that hard and its a fun a great experience. Not only because the assignments are easy but because it teaches you how to edit photos and use more than just the camera of your phone. One of the main things this class taught me that I hadn't known was how you can use a specific app to make a video/ picture come out a. Specific way. I also learned that photography consists of patients and ideas, you have to be willing to think out of the box and go on small adventures to get a unique look/picture. I am sure Im going to continue using the techniques I learned from this class when I'm out and about in adventures and planning on taking a picture of what I come upon on.

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